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We are continuously monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic as well as its global impact in order to keep the Contech community safe, as well as reassure our students and staff.

Contemporary Technology University is taking the threat of infection at our academic institute as well as Contech’s community seriously. This page will be updated on a regular basis in regards to the latest COVID-19 information.

For general knowledge, we expect ALL students to meticulously study this section of CDC:


Important upcoming dates

  • Spring semester commencement: April 2021

As informed last month, Contemporary Technology University has collectively discussed postponing initial semester cohort to the upcoming annum due to the ongoing global pandemic and in order to ensure our top priority being the safety of our students. Further information will follow as we commence the new year.

TBA: To be announced, stay tuned for further details and updates.

Latest messages:

  • Required Covid19 testing for incoming students

It will be mandatory for incoming students to undergo COVID-19 testing, prior to course commencement and arriving to their respective programs. Please review the following details attentively, as this will be expected and required from each individual regardless of geographical location, study program selection, or nationality. Students who do not receive or submit an official test and result prior to course commencement, will not be allowed travel and will be required to commence course program through virtual instruction (this applies to those selected in the Nomad, as well as Hybrid Program structures).

Students residing outside of the United States of America, please follow link for testing arrangements which will fall to the responsibility of the individual:

  • Students who test positive are expected to await appropriate further instruction decided by authorities.

Getting ready for Spring semester

Useful advise for incoming students to get ahead:

  • Stay updated with university emails
  • Keep track of deadlines
  • Set realistic targets
  • Ask questions
  • Use group seminars and resources (tutors) to your advantage
  • Keep up with extensive readings
  • Stay up to date on accessible resources which will be consistently provided
  • Structure, consistent note-taking
  • Compose revision plans for every course
  • Always be on time
  • Use lecture time wisely

Contemporary Technology University has taken the decision to make it mandatory that all incoming students isolate 14 days prior to course and semester commencement.

  • Local restrictions at Contech’s global study locations:




  • Covid safety module:

Incoming students are required to complete a COVID-19 module which has been provided to the public by John’s Hopkins University. This is for the safety of the individual, fellow students, as well as in order to ensure protection to our academics and institution. It is to be completed %100 online, at no additional cost. Certifications of completion must be forwarded to the admissions office at Contemporary Technology University, prior to semester commencement:

Please follow link to complete this requirement, to ensure the safety of us all: https://

Our Three Pillars:

  • Testing, tracking

Covid-19 is not affecting all nations and communities equally, thus, widespread availability of testing is viewed as critical to tracking and controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus. As health officials rush to develop and deploy tests, you can observe the progress that different states and countries are making in this crucial area in each individual continent and country.

  • Protecting personal space

Social distancing, quarantine, and safe spaces are a crucial responsibilities for each individual in order to aid in overcoming this global pandemic together. Covid-19 virus is contagious through contact with eyes nose and mouth, therefore it is important to avoid contact and to wash hands on a consistent basis for at least 21 seconds. Aside from basic hygiene, individuals should strive to distance themselves from social gatherings, avoid infected individuals and routinely wear a mask.

In addition to aforementioned regulations, please review other precautions individuals are advised to follow:

  • Cough or sneeze always into elbow
  • If feeling slightly unwell, stay home
  • Self-isolate for the recommended 14 days post-travel/ exposure to large groups
  • Cleanliness and disinfecting
  • Consistent hand washing is critical in overcoming this pandemic, together. If soap and water not immediately accessible, individuals are advised to have individual hand spray/ sanitizer at all times
  • Avoid or limit all unnecessary contact within public spaces, this ranges from tables to chairs to escalator handles as well and so on
  • Use surface disinfectant in public spaces

Wellness and Health:

Symptoms of Covid-19

  • Dry cough
  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Aches
  • Diarrhea
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste/ smell
  • Rash on skin, discoloration of fingers or toes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain/ pressure
  • Loss of speech and/ or movement

On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days. Those with mild symptoms should immediately manage their symptoms in isolation, at home.

  • Wearing masks

There is currently a range of masks on the market globally. Masks are mandatory in order to protect oneself as well as others, since one may be affected prior to symptoms, this virus is one to advance with high caution, reinforcing the importance of masks. The majority of national and local guidelines require this regulation, and Contech adheres to the same procedures. It is also our duty to dispose of these masks in a responsible manner.

  • 2 layered cloth mask
  • Disposable surgical mask
  • N95
  • Cone-style mask

Mask test: In order to ensure your mask is both safe for you and those around you, ensure it passes the ‘ultimate light a match test’ by ensuring it diverts your breath. In order to confirm it suits standard precautions, whilst wearing your mask – light a match and blow. A good face mask should not even move the flame, let alone extinguish the fire.

  • What to do if you have been exposed

Self isolate, self isolate, self isolate. In other words, immediately seek quarantine. Symptoms commence on average 4-6 days after contact with the virus. One must take necessary precautions if such a circumstance surfaces.

‘Other useful information’




Health guidance on Coronavirus – public link/ general

    • Travel advise

Travel regarding upcoming holiday celebrations, general useful notice please review: