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Continuing Education Policy


The purpose of this policy is to foster an environment of continuous learning and professional development that aligns with the institution’s mission and goals. Contech believes in enriching the skills of its staff, faculty, and students, and as such, facilitates the opportunity for them to participate in Continuing Education (CE) programs.


All full-time staff, faculty, and enrolled students at Contech are eligible to participate in CE programs, subject to the guidelines laid out in this policy.


This policy applies to both credit education programs, including but not limited to academic courses, online courses, professional certifications, workshops, seminars, and conferences that are either conducted by Contech or externally.


  • Approval: Any CE activities must be pre-approved by the respective department head or supervisor. The approval will consider the relevance and alignment of the course to Contech’s goals and the individual’s role.
  • Fees and Reimbursements: A registration fee may be charged to cover the costs associated with the CE program. Subject to pre-approval and budget availability, Contech may offer reimbursements or financial assistance.
  • Credit Assignment: The type of credit for the CE program (academic credit, non-credit, CEUs, contact hours, etc.) will be determined during course and program development and must adhere to generally accepted norms.
  • Scheduling: CE programs will be scheduled annually in July for the academic year: September through August. A finalized course schedule must be submitted to the Center for Continuing Education by August 1.


  • Individuals are responsible for identifying CE opportunities, obtaining necessary approvals, and meeting all requirements of the program.
  • Supervisors are responsible for reviewing and approving CE requests, assisting their team members in identifying relevant opportunities, and integrating the knowledge or skills gained into the workplace.
  • Center for Continuing Education is responsible for coordinating and scheduling CE programs, maintaining records of CE participation, and overseeing the credit assignment and reimbursement processes.

Continuing Education Policy Addendum

  • Continuing Education Programs: The credit and non-credit continuing education programs and other special programs offered by Contech align with the institution’s mission and goals.
  • Credit or Continuing Education Units (CEUs): The granting of credit or CEUs for continuing education courses and special learning activities is:
  1. Guided by generally accepted norms
  2. Based on institutional mission and policy
  3. Consistent across the institution, wherever offered and however delivered
  4. Appropriate to the objectives of the course
  5. Determined by student achievement of identified learning outcomes
  • Course Offering: In addition to undergraduate and graduate programs, CE courses and programs will be offered to the public in accordance with Contech’s mission and strategic plan.
  • Delivery Methods: CE instruction may be offered by a variety of delivery methods, including blended, face-to-face, and online, and in a variety of settings as is consistent with best educational practices.
  • Credit Type: The type of credit (academic credit, non-credit, CEUs, contact hours, etc.) will be determined during course and program development, taking into account accreditation and subject-specific requirements.
  • Fees: Participants registered for a CE course or program may be charged a registration fee established to cover costs associated with administration and instruction, academic credit fees, and additional charges deemed necessary.
  • Credit Card and E-Checks Fees: Fees for credit card and e-checks will apply and the relevant department/school will determine how to apply and/or cover these costs.
  • Scheduling: Courses and programs will be scheduled, facilities booked, and equipment reserved in July for the year: September through August. A finalized course or program schedule with facility and equipment details must be submitted to the Center for Continuing Education by August 1.

Student Handbook: A CE Student Handbook will be available for students to reference and will include CE policies, procedures, and student-specific information.